- Grinds friable materials to narrow size ranges; de-agglomerates lumpy materials
- Simple design — only one moving part contacting material
- Air-swept principle of operation keeps material cool
- Easy to clean and sanitize
- Five rows of intermeshing impact pins
- Safety interlocked access door/stator disc hinges open for unrestricted access to all internal material contact surfaces
- Vertical orientation of mill housing offers easier cleaning and sanitizing than horizontal designs
- Precision machined housing and discs
- Easy-flow inlet elbow
- Design efficiency produces high throughput rates per horsepower/kilowatt
- 5 to 125 hp (4 to 93 kw) inverter-capable motors
- Multiple V-Belt and sheave drive arrangements. Direct drive on CIM-18 only.

Vertical orientation of the mill housing allows the stator disc/mill housing to hinge open for rapid cleaning and inspection of all product-contact surfaces. Optional davit arm shown. Removable rotor disc with second davit arm also available.

This 18 inch (457 mm) diameter Pin Mill model CIM-18-SS provides coarse to fine (400 mesh) grinding of friable materials into controlled particle sizes, as well as de-agglomerating and conditioning of dry solids. A direct drive system reduces the unit's footprint to about half of that required by a belt driven machine.