Uniform blends are discharged rapidly through a plug gate valve as the drum rotates, with no residual or segregation.
Material enters a vacuum conveyor through a pick-up wand, and is discharged through a cyclone separator at the mixer's stationary inlet.
The mixer's inlet and outlet (shown) remain stationary while the drum rotates, allowing hard connections to upstream mechanical or pneumatic conveyors, and continuous mixing as material is fully discharged with no segregation.
The mixer's four-way tumble, cut, turn and fold action provided by the internal mixing flights yields uniform blends without product degradation. Internal spray bars with exchangeable tips allow the addition of aqueous and oil-based liquids by the liter or milliliter, and as a fine vapor.
Auxilliary equipment in adjacent room for heating, cooling, pressurizing and dehumidifying the mixer vessel imparts unique properties to NRS products.
A dehumidification line from an adjacent room removes moisture from the vessel between batches containing liquid additions.
Drum rotation during discharge prevents segregation. Complete evacuation eliminates wasted product and minimizes cleaning time during changeovers.