
  • Cycle times of 10 seconds to two minutes, with 30 seconds typical
  • High production capacity
  • Mixes low- to medium-density materials (≤50 lbs/ft3 or ≤800 kg/m3) from powders to pellets
  • Low friction plus short mixing times minimize degradation of friable materials
  • Gently reduces soft agglomerates
  • Insignificant heat generation
  • Particles of batch ingredients (including fibers) intersperse readily, regardless of disparities in particle size, shape or bulk density
  • Available with spray nozzles for liquid additions
  • Low to high volumes of low- to high-viscosity liquids disperse readily throughout the batch
  • Discharges rapidly through full-length, pneumatically actuated drop-bottom gates (Bomb Bay Doors)
  • No segregation upon discharge
  • Evacuates a greater percentage of material than ribbon, paddle and plow blenders, reducing waste
  • Equally efficient filled at 100 percent down to 50 percent of rated capacity, depending on material
  • Large top covers provide easy access for cleaning, inspection. Available with heating or cooling jackets
  • Standard controls for manual operation with interface for remote control (automated control packages available)