From bulk bag, operator loads one of 12 ribbon blenders with wood flour or resin.
Ribbon blender blades produce counter- directional flow to blend materials having a variety of bulk densities and particle sizes, in wide-ranging batch volumes. The intensifier bar, positioned perpendicular to the ribbon shaft, reduces cycle times by increasing blending efficiency.
A screw conveyor transports uniform blend of wood flour, melamine and pigments from hopper underneath a Munson attrition mill (background) to charging tray (foreground).
Charging tray is filled with blend prior to molding.
Operator loads charges into hydraulic press which molds furniture components.
Melsur Corporation offers 32 color variations for its melamine school furniture, individually blending each mixture of resin, wood flour and pigments. To increase output, Melsur converted all its mixers to Munson ribbon blenders with intensifier bars.
Melsur produces hard plastic melamine school furniture with a sophisticated thermoset molding operation. After blending ingredients, color is checked for accuracy so each component's color matches that of past orders.